Sagamihara City is actively implementing projects to support local companies in their overseas expansion and sales channel development.

Contents 内容
Initiatives for FY2023 2023年度の取組
Initiatives for FY2022 2022年度の取組
【For Overseas Companies】Business Environment in Sagamihara City
Sagamihara City has many companies with excellent technology.Since the 1950s, the city has focused on attracting factories. Large corporations moved into the area and industrial parks were formed. As a result the city developed into one of the leading industrial cities.In recent years, in response to labor shortages due to a shrinking population and the aging of engineers, we have been working to support the introduction of industrial robots.We welcome you to do business with companies of Sagamihara City.
Contents 目次
0:00 Opening オープニング
0:28 Location and access to Sagamihara City 相模原市の位置とアクセス
0:43 City and Nature 都市と自然
1:02 JAXA
1:11 Linear Central Shinkansen Line リニア中央新幹線
1:23 Clustering of manufacturing industries ものづくり企業の集積
1:38 Robot industry ロボット産業
2:14 Sagamihara ROBOT SUPPORT CENTER さがみはらロボット導入支援センター
2:25 Sagamihara Incubation Center さがみはら産業創造センター
2:36 Other Initiatives その他の取り組み
2:47 Ending エンディング